Case Study
Panorama Antennas

Panorama Antennas replaces Dropbox and SugarSync with CentreStack to easily remain compliant while sharing files internally and internationally.


  • Mid-Market Enterprise


  • Dropbox
  • SugarSync


  • Simplify User Experience

Everybody globally has access to the same files which are all up-to-date and accurate, from a system that’s also secure and easy to implement.

Director, Panorama Antennas


Panorama Antennas is a London-based manufacturer of antennas for radio communications, with offices and remote employees worldwide. Because of their global presence, it is important for employees to have a simple, secure, fully-synced method for sharing files.

Panorama Antennas had tried using both Dropbox and SugarSync for file sharing, but they took issue with the fact that their data was being stored offsite and was difficult to track.

“We weren’t happy about the fact that we did not know where the data is and it was difficult to control because it is a separate system, not server-based, and offsite,” said Christopher Jesman, Director at Panorama Antennas.

Furthermore, the process for updating files in both systems were set up such that “eventually the files got out of sync,” added Chris.

Panorama needed a solution that employees could access easily, but that would also keep files secure, locally hosted, and up-to-date.


Panorama Antennas partnered with CentreStack to provide their file-sharing solution.

With CentreStack, they are able to use an on-premise server while also managing permissions using Active Directory.

“Access to the existing file system is very, very easy to implement with CentreStack. CentreStack also provides reliability as if you were in the office at all times,” said Chris.

Because the files are all stored on-premise, Panorama Antennas now trusts that their files are secure and compliant under GDPR regulations.


Managing permissions and settings is easy.

CentreStack “just follows what the Active Directory does,” keeping all permissions up-to-date.

CentreStack set-up is quick and simple.

“It was self explanatory - we rolled it out globally without anybody having to even pick up the phone to talk them through it. It wasn’t hard at all,” said Chris.

CentreStack’s international file sharing solution allows Panorama Antennas to share files across borders, easily, even in China and Hong Kong.

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